Thursday, May 21, 2009


ini dia keluarga gue yang sangat lah bahagia wakwakwakwakwakwakwakwkawkakwka i lopeyou deh yeeeeee apedeh hahhaaahhahaha
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Penasaran? Liat Aja Chatnya!

sharra says:
*ka aldi

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

sharra says:
*itu maksud nya apa sih ka yang di fb kaka?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

sharra says:
*yang Sharra Edrian
eh aldi apa kabar lo udah lama gaketemu denger denger nih lo jadian ya sama si itu astgf parah lo di parah banget udah lo apain aja di astgf sabar di gaboleh gitu!

Aldi Muhammad

*kok ada foto sharra nya hehehe ga ngerti ( maap nora)

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*oh itu aplikasi di fb shar iya itu buat ngerjain orang gt

sharra says:
*oh hahahahaha maap ka ga ngerti saya :D
*emang kampung

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*iya sharra
*ga kok

sharra says:

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*haha lagi apa?

sharra says:
*lagi buka fb sama polyvore

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*oh lagi fb msn aja nih sama chat sama ali

sharra says:
*oh haha

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

sharra says:
*kenal sama amira ga ka ?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*amira kelas?

sharra says:
*smp , ga kenal ya?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

sharra says:
*oh hhohohohoho
*foto kecil kaka kocak ka

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*hah dimana?

sharra says:
*di rumah devri

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ah yg mana?

sharra says:
*yang lagi sama devri terus kaka devri yang cowo
*hehehe lucu kok ka

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*hah gatau deh yg mana hehehe lupahe
*kayaknya gapernah

sharra says:
*ada kok kalo kerumah devri pasti liat di pajang dikamarnya

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*hah dipajang dikamarnya?

sharra says:
*hahahahaha iya

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*yg mana sih gue lupa sumpah , gue pake baju apa

sharra says:

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*nyeh dipajanga nya pas dimana?nya

sharra says:
*dalem kamar

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*bukan gue kali
*kakaknya dia

sharra says:
*hahaha kaka kok
*yaudah lah orang lucu gitu biarin aja ka
*lucu semuanya

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ga ga jiji pasti menjijikan astgf ntar gue tanya depri deh ya

sharra says:
*iya iya iya ka
*tapi lucu ka , ga bohong deh

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ga ga ga
*anjir gayanya lg gimna?

sharra says:
*biasa kok lagi seyum

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*yg mane sih

sharra says:
*ya ampun ada

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ah gue penasaran deh ah ah si depri kaga ol ya?

sharra says:
*gapapa ka lucu

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ga anjing bgt nih ah yg mana sih sumpah minggu depan fotonye gue ambil ah

sharra says:
*libur 1 bula ngapain aja ka?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*gatau nih m au ke aussie, malay, new zealand, sama new york
*( maaf ya kalo gue suka ngayal )

sharra says:

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

sharra says:
*ga ke itali?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ga? kayaknya sih ke bangkok

sharra says:
*tapi paling enak abis dari bangkok ke cina terus keliling asia

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*lo ajadeh gue enggak duit gue udah abis!

sharra says:
*kan cerita nya duit nya semakin di pake semakin banyak

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*hah mau banget gue coba ya abeneran ada?
*khayal is back

sharra says:
*iya ya coba beneran ada
*asyiiiiiiiiiiz bad

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*beh bahasa nya?

sharra says:
*hahahahaha iya dungz w kan gaulz

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

sharra says:
*ka tadi makan siang dimana?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*di rumah?

sharra says:
*di rumah yang di bangkok apa malay

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*hem new zealand

sharra says:
*cape ya emang punya uang banyak ?

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*punya dunn

sharra says:
*mulai ga nyambung

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*hahaha iyanih deh duh deh

sharra says:
*ka doain angkatan sharra naik 100% dong
*amin amin amin

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*amien doain juiga kak aldi ya

sharra says:
*amin amin ya allah semoga kita semua naik kelas

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*lagi apa shar?

sharra says:
*lagi mau sholat ka

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*oh uda maghrib ya?

sharra says:

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*iyanih sekalian mau off juga bye sharra edrian ntar chat kita ,gue masukin blog ya okeokoke

sharra says:
*oke ka hehehehe
*blog kaka apa?
sharra just sent you a nudge.

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*ntar ko belom off kok

sharra says:
*oh haahhahaha

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:
*isi cbox gue dong

sharra says:
*kalo uda masukin ini ke blog kaka bilang yaaa

Aldi Muhammad Atmana says:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Problem Again

hem gue gatau ya mau lo apada apa lo cuma bisa ngedenger sebuah berita yang ga pantees lo denger dari sepihgak aja, lo gamu berbaur sama temen lo yang lain dan lo gamau nyelesain masalah yang lo mau adalah masalah lo yang lo sebar sebarin ke facebook, dan masalah lo yang lo pingin lo itu benar dan lo pingin semua itu ada di tangan lo dan kebenaran iu ada di tangan lo!

tapi itu gabisa maaf aja, semua orang punya harga diri dan semua orang punya hati yang ga pantes lo injek injek dalam situs pertemanan, di masalah ini gue yang tersangkut di dalamnnya, okay gue ngaku salah pernah ngatain lo dan sejujurnya gue ga pernah ngatin lo yang macem macem lo bagitun lah muka lo begitu lah, gue naya tertawa mendengar teman gue berbicara seperti itu!

disini status gue, gue di fitnah sama lo karna gue sudak ngatain lo yang enggak enggak, apalo enggak sadar ya kalo lo lagi ngomongin gue atu lo ngatin gue, gue gatau? maaaf gue tau semua yang lo bicarain, dan apakah gue selalu menyumbarnya di situs pertemanann seperti yang lo lakuin tidak kan? gue hanya diem saja dan tidak ingin buat masalh!

dan sejujurnya gue gasuka banget liat temen gue kaya gini tapi apa boleh buat hanya lo yang bisa nyelesahin masalah ini dan gue juga pingin MINTA MAAF tapi apa dengan maaf gue lo bisa berubah? yang pasti jawabannya tidak, karna lo ingin lo semua yang menang dan lo ga melihat disin ada orang yg tersangkut masalah dari masalh yg ada!

gue tau lo semua ber 8 berteman dan kalo ada apa apa pasti cerita sama mereka tapi diantara temen temen lo itu ada juga yang pernah cerita dan ngatain lo tapi lo gatau kan karna lo ga ada disitu gue hanya bisa sabar untuk menerima masalah ini d!

dan gue ga ada niatan sama sekali buat berantem sala lo sama semuannya walaupun gue suka ngatain orang lo juga ngatain gue apa aja gue terima dan gue gabakalan kok buat lo marah gue cuma sabr dan menunngu apa kah masalah ini bakal lo selesain apa ngga gue cuma bisa sabar!

dan gue sama sekali gamau berantem sama lo karna gue suka banet di kelas xc dan gue juga mau fokusin ujian gue biar gue di terima di ipa dan naik kelas itu doang yg gue pinginin dan gue juga pingin sekelas lagi sama lo semua thanks ya!

To: Shahnnaz Vidyaningtyas && Indi Menissa

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yanh Ininih

Lirik Lagu Afgan Feat. Nagita Slavina - Yang Kutahu Cinta Itu Indah

Tak Pernah Aku Membayangkannya
Bila Insan Sedang Patah Hati
Kali Ini Ku Rasakan Sesungguhnya

Siang Hariku Bagaikan Malam
Pelangipun Berwarnakan Kelam
Inikah Yang Dinamakan Patah Hati


Tak Ingin Kujalani Cinta Yang Begini
Yang Kutahu Cinta Itu Indah
Tak Ingin Kurasakan Jiwa Yang Tak Tenang
Kumau Kau Tetap Disisiku

Back To Reff:* & **

Dan Tak Ingin Kurasakan Jiwa Yang Tak Tenang
Kumau Kau Tetap Disisiku

Siang Hariku Bagaikan Malam
Pelangipun Berwarnakan Kelam

powered by lirik lagu indonesia


1. Last beverage → Nutri Sari
2. Last phone call → Aldila Ardine
3. Last text message→ Aldila Ardine
4. Last song you listened to → Vierra - No!
5. Last time you cried → Forget

6. Dated someone twice → No
7. Been cheated on? → No
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? →No
9. Lost someone special? →Yes
10. Been depressed? → Yes
11. Been drunk and threw up? → No
12. White
14. Grey
15. Brown

16. Made new friends → Yes
17. Fallen out of love → Yes
18. Laughed until you cried → No
19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes

21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes
22. Kissed anyone on your friend list → No

23. How many people on your friend list do you know in real life → Classmate
24. How many kids do you want to have → 2
25. Do you have any pets → Yess

26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes change to Aldi Muhammad
27. What did you do for your last birthday → Nervous
28. What time did you wake up today → 12.01
29. What were you doing at midnight last night? → Bed
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Friends
31. Last time you saw your father→ Forget

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Perfect
33. What are you listening to right now → Phantom II - Justice
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → No
35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → No

36. Most visited web page → Blog Facebook MySpace Twitter
37. What's your name → Aldi Muhammad
38. Nicknames → Aldi, Dut
39. Relationship Status → Single and In Open Relationship
40. Zodiac sign → Leo
41. Male or female or transgendered → Male
42. Elementary → SDI At - Taubah Jakarta

43. Middle School → SMP Negri 99 Jakarta
44. High school → SMA Negeri 77 Jakarta
45. Hair color → Black
46. Long or short → Short

47. Height → 183 Awesome
48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
49. What do you like about yourself →
50. Piercings → No
51. Tattoos → No
52. Righty or lefty → No

53. First surgery → Last 3 Month

54. First piercing → No
55. First best friends → No
56. First sport you joined → Photography
57. First pet → Hamster

58. First vacation → Bali
59. First concert → Sing With Purwacaraka In La Piazza 2003
60. First crush → Forget
61. Eating → Forget
62. Drinking → Air Tete Ibu
63. I'm about to → Dont Know Guys

64. Listening to → Forget
65. Waiting for → Forget

66. Want kids? → Yes
67. Want to get married? → Yes
68. Careers in mind? → Photographer, Doctor, Actor, Sutradara

69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses

71. Shorter or taller → Taller
72. Older or Younger → Younger

73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both
75. Sensitive or loud → Loud
76. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble Makeer

77. Kissed a stranger → Hem
78. Drank hard liquor → Yes
79. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes
80. Sex on first date → Hem

81. Broken someone's heart → Yes
82. Had your own heart broken → No
83. Been arrested → No
84. Turned someone down → Yes
85. Cried when someone died → Yes
86. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes

87. Yourself → Maybe
89. Miracles → Sometimes

90. Love at first sight → Yes
91. Heaven → Yes

92. Santa Clause → No
93. Kiss on the first date? → Yes
94. Angels → Maybe

94. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? → Yes
95. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → No

100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Yes


lo tauga sih kenapa gue kaya gini lo ga pernah taukan tapi lo tuh selalu aja marah sama gue salah apa gue tanya ha lo tuh ya cuma mau lo yg seneng doang sementara orang lkain enggak

okay gue udah brulang kali minta maaf apa lo langsung maafin gue enggak kan? tapi lo malah ngomongg gtlah ngue tau gue yg salah tapi kenapa musti ampe seterus terusnya di ulang ulang lagi?

gue tau gue tuh ya baru kenal sama lo beda sama temen gue yg dari sd, tapi lo ngerti dong apakah temen baru sama temen lama beda jauh bgt coba gue tanya sama lo ga kan?

trus lo suka ngebeda bedain gue sama temen gue lahiya lah ghue tau kalo gue beda sama temen gue yaiyalah lo aja tuh yang mau menng sendiri iyakan?

guesekarang udah cukup sabar sama lo tapi lo gapernah ngerti kalo kesabaran gue ada batasnya walaupun!


Hell-o You!

gue telfonin ga diangkat men, gue sms gadibales men, gue chat gadibales maunya apa sihsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss astgf gue kan udah cukup sabar gt ya yaampun!

Chat With Wina

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:

Wina mengatakan:
apa aldiiiku

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
lagi apa?

Wina mengatakan:
lg ngeblog nih

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
lagi mau buka blog aja eh cbox again yaya

Wina mengatakan:
okedeh nanti ya kalo lg blogwalking

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
okedeh win, apa kabardeh

Wina mengatakan:
baikdeh di lo jg apakabardeh
haha apadeh

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
lagi sakit win gue hahaahahahahaha, eh gue lagi liat blog lo yeaaaaa!

Wina mengatakan:
yah ko sakit knapz?

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
w agak sakit pannas nih, hahah eh dio duduk nya sama si hanapi?

Wina mengatakan:
hoo cepet sembuh ya bang,kagak ko udah ganti slera dia haha
tp duduknya deketan

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
nyeh emg dia duduk sama siapa???

Wina mengatakan:
ama ardian
inget ga lo?

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
inget lah dia masuk sana?

Wina mengatakan:
iya dia pindah dr bandung waktu smester 2 kemaren

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
indra punya bloggg men

Wina mengatakan:
iye makanya gw baru tau org kaya dia jg bs bikin blog hahahaha

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
astgf, eh si menjijikan juga punya blog tau

Wina mengatakan:
si siapa di?

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
si faldy anjirr bgt ya

Wina mengatakan:
iya gw jg males buka pny dia

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
jangan ntar kena virus men

Wina mengatakan:
haha knapa emg di?

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
heheheheheh gapapa
lagi apa eh gajalan mbak?

Wina mengatakan:
besok nih mau ke dupan

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
gakemana mana, asik dong ke dupan!

Wina mengatakan:
asik doong

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:

Wina mengatakan:
enggak ama temen sekelas gw

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
udah bikin twitter belom?

Wina mengatakan:
belom di
males haha

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
wekwkkewkek gue juga nih agak ga ngerti terus ribet bgt

Wina mengatakan:

Aldi Muhammad mengatakan:
hehehehe eh win bentar ya win mau blogging dulu byeeeeeeeee

Wina mengatakan:
okedeh bos

Saturday, May 9, 2009


i like you but there's someone else near you

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sekolah Kaya Gasekolah

heheheheheheheheh guys apa kabar guysss, tadi gue pagi telat gt ya mygod, yaudah gue buru buru gt deh eh ternyata belom ada siapa siapa, terus tadi tuh langsung olah raga kan pelajran pertama terus ada ujian gt ya kan ya, terus gue tuh bisda ujiannya , terus gue olah raga lompatin tumpukan kayu gajelas gt udah tau gue gabissa kan parah bgt sih guys ahhahahhahahahha, yaudah terus kan udah cape cape kjan, gue langsung deh ada acara makan makan sama bu cris, gt abnisnya kan gue libur semimnggu terus gue pun ujian terus gue libur sebulan men anjinggg ernak bgt kan, yaalah udah setahyun gue sekolah disitu lo, taerus td ketua kelas gue ampe mau nangis tauga gara gara kita mau pisah dan semoga kita pun naik kelas semua ya guys ahahahhaha thankyou for visitig my post okeya!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Online Dong

gue tunggu nih dari jam 3an tadi pulang sekolah dia ga online - online ohhhhhmy, hahahaha online dong jangan ngambek mulu ya ya ya ya ya ya ya karena lo gatau kalau gue itu itu itu itu itu !

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Like You

maaf ya gue sering berantem sama lo dan sering ngatain lo kok, gue jujur aja padahal gue gamau berantem sama lo sumpah demi allah karna gue ................. .......... ...... gitu, okey gue minta maaf ya hey youuuuuuuuuuuu !

Miss Independent

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah

Ooh is something about
Just something about the way she move
I can't figure it out
It's something about her

Say, ooh is something about
Kinda woman that want you but don't need you
Hey, I can't figure it out
It's something about her

'Cause she walk like a boss
Talk like a boss
Manicure nails just set the pedicure off
She's fly effortlessly

And she move like a boss
Do what a boss
Do, she got me thinking about getting involved
That's the kinda girl I need (oh)

She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah(ohh)

Ooh there's something about
Kinda woman that can do for herself
I look at her and it makes me proud
There's something about her

Something oh so sexy about
Kinda woman that don't even need my help
She said she got it, she got it (she said she got it, she got it)
No doubt, there's something about her (there's somethin' about her)
[Miss Independent lyrics on ]

'Cause she work like a boss
Play like a boss
Car and the crib she 'bout to pay 'em both off
And bills are payed on time, yeah
She made for a boss
Slowly a boss
Anything less she telling them to get lost
That's the girl that's on my mind

She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent, yeay

Her favorite thing to say, don't worry I got it
And everything she got best believe she bought it
She gon' steal my heart ain't no doubt about it, girl
You're everything I need
Said you're everything I need

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

She's got her own thing (oooohoooohhhoh)
That's why I love her (that's why I love her, oh ohh)
Miss independent (independent)
Won't you come and spend a little time (ohh)
She's got her own thing (she got, she got)
That's why I love her (that's why I love that girl)
Miss independent (ohh ohh)
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent

Miss independent
That's why I love her

Friday, May 1, 2009


Kanye West - Stronger Lyrics

N- n- now th- that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
cause I can't wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can't get much wronger
Man I've been waitin' all night now
That's how long I've been on ya

I need you right now
I need you right now

Let's get lost tonight
You could be my black Kate Moss tonight
Play secretary, I'm the boss tonight
And you don't give a fuck what they all say right?
Awesome, the Christian and and Christian Dior
Damn, they don't make 'em like this anymore
I ask, cause I'm not sure
Do anybody make real shit anymore?
Bow in the presence of greatness
Cause right now thou has forsaken us
You should be honored by my lateness
That I would even show up to this fake shit
So go ahead go nuts go ape shit
Especially in my pastel on my bape shit
Act like you can't tell who made this
New gospel homey, take six, and take this, haters

N- n- now th- that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can't wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can't get much wronger
Man I've been waitin' all night now
That's how long I've been on ya

I need you right now
I need you right now

Me likey

I don't know if you got a man or not,
If you made plans or not
God put me in the plans or not
I'm trippin' this drink got me sayin' a lot
But I know that God put you in front of me

So how the hell could you front on me?
There's a thousand you's, there's only one of me
I'm trippin', I'm caught up in the moment right?
This is Louis Vuitton Don night
So we gonna do everything that Kan like
Heard they'd do anything for a Klondike
Well I'd do anything for a blonde-dike
And she'll do anything for the limelight
And we'll do anything when the time's right
Ugh, baby, you're makin' it (harder, better, faster, stronger)

N- n- now th- that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can't wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can't get much wronger
Man I've been waitin' all night now
That's how long I've been on ya

I need you right now
I need you right now

You know how long I've been on ya?
Since Prince was on Apollonia
Since OJ had Isotoners
Don't act like I never told ya [6x]
Baby, you're making it (harder, better, faster, stronger)

N- n- now th- that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can't wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I cant get much wronger
Man I've been waitin' all night now
That's how long I've been on ya

I need you right now [4x]

You know how long I've been on ya?
Since Prince was on Apollonia
Since OJ had Isotoners
Don't act like I never told ya
Never told ya [4x]

Never over [8x]

powered by lirik lagu indonesia

Make It Mine

Jason Mraz - Make It Mine Lyrics

Wake up everyone
How can you sleep at a time like this
Unless the dreamer is the real you
Listen to your voice
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue
Lip and the net will appear

I don't wanna wake before
The dream is over
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes i... I know it
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I'll make it all mine

I keep my life on a heavy rotation
Requesting that it's lifting you up
Up up and away
And over to a table at the gratitude cafe

And I am finally there
And all the angels they'll be singing
Ah la la la ah la la la I la la la la love you

I don't wanna break before
The tour is over
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes i...i know it
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I'll make it all mine

And timing's everything
And this time there's plenty
I am balancing
Careful and steady
And reveling in energy that everyone's emitting

I don't wanna wait no more
No I wanna celebrate the whole world
I'm gonna make it mine
Because I'm following your joy
I'm gonna make it mine
Because I... I am open
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I... I'm gonna show it
Yes I'm gonna make it mine
It's mine...
Yes I will make it all mine

powered by lirik lagu indonesia


Jason Mraz - Lucky Lyrics

jason mraz lyric

Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

[ thanks to yaya_abrahman[at] for submit this lyric ]

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